
Nutrition education can help inspire people of all ages to make positive changes to their diet and lifestyle. Workshops provide an opportunity for learning and the kind of contagious, positive energy that builds when we identify a common goal and support one another toward desired change. I work with preschools, town recreation departments, sports teams and clubs, martial arts schools, dance studios, churches and other groups to bring nutrition education to diverse audiences. I specialize in workshops for young children, adolescents, parents of children ages 0-12, and parents of teens.

Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Dr. Sears L.E.A.N. Start Curriculum
  • Nutrition 101: Healthy Eating for Growing Athletes
  • Nutrition in Action: Fueling Your Brain & Body for Optimal Performance
  • Shop Smart: Food Label Fundamentals
  • Snack Smart Snack Swap: Kids & Parents learn about healthy snacking together!

I believe in the power of nutrition education to inform, motivate, inspire and mobilize people of all ages toward healthier lifestyles and less stressful relationships with food. Click below to find the best workshop for you!

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One-on-One Coaching

My approach to health coaching is to work with each individual or family to identify where and how we can improve your food landscape and optimize your health. Some parents are already nutrition savvy but have trouble incorporating healthy recipes into their family's busy lives. Others desire customized nutrition education to help improve their understanding of what our bodies need and why. Many of us know what kinds of changes we'd like to make but would benefit from working with a coach who can help us make a plan and carry it out. I will meet you where you are today and provide the guidance, education, and support you need to move toward where your want to be in the future.

Customized health coaching and nutrition education can address:

  • Gaps in your understanding of what your growing children's bodies need to thrive
  • Strategies for meal planning and feeding your busy family well
  • The frustration that comes with feeding picky eaters
  • Navigating food allergies and restrictions
  • How to make sense of conflicting information and improve your family's food landscape

Schedule your initial consultation today.

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Pantry Makeover

Are you ready to improve your family's diet but aren't sure where to begin? Let's roll up our sleeves and work together to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your pantry's contents.  What's included in a 60-90 minute Pantry Makeover?

  • A discussion of your family's typical eating habits and an introduction to Traffic Light Eating
  • A deep-dive into the pantry to highlight its most and least nutritious items
  • Suggestions for gradually replacing less nutritious choices with healthier alternatives
  • Guidance creating a grocery list that balances needs & wants, includes clean-label recipe staples, and helps you feel you're moving in the right direction

What's not included in a Pantry Makeover?

  • Pressure to throw anything away
  • Judgement
  • Too much change all at once

Gradual changes make for more sustainable results. Book your Pantry Makeover today and begin improving your family's food landscape.

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Through challenges, we find our purpose.

One summer day in 2007, my then-3-year-old daughter had a severe allergic reaction to peanuts. At the time, I knew almost nothing about food allergies, but we quickly got used to being a peanut-free household and carrying an Epi-pen at all times. Four years and two more children later, my then-1-year-old son developed allergies to over a dozen foods including wheat, dairy, soy, corn, eggs and apples. While we struggled to manage such an overwhelming scenario, our first-born had another severe reaction and testing confirmed the addition of tree nuts, soy protein, lentils, garbanzo beans and quinoa to her list of allergens. This meant that my oldest was dangerously allergic to some of the only foods my youngest was able to eat. Meanwhile, our middle daughter (who ate everything as a baby and had no allergies at all) decided to take on the role of super-picky eater in our household. I guess she didn't think I had my hands quite full enough!

But, somewhere amidst the stress and frustration of all this, I found myself discovering my true calling. I became so fascinated by food and nutrition that I decided to get my Master's degree and become a Certified Health Coach and Nutrition Educator. My children’s food restrictions opened my eyes to the importance of paying attention to how we feed and nourish our bodies. As challenging as it’s been to navigate multiple food allergies and restrictions, I’m grateful for what doing so has taught me and I’m passionate about sharing what I’ve learned with others so that – restrictions or no restrictions – you, too can come to appreciate the importance of good nutrition, learn what you need to know to achieve it, and discover your own motivation for feeding yourself and your family well.


Let's work together!

I'm passionate about helping people improve their health and that of their families by improving their food landscape and overall diet. Schedule you initial consultation today and let's get started!